The Bilingual Applied Chemistry Today in 2006 with the aim of creating and publishing a journal to improve the level of research in the field of applied chemistry and publish articles of academic board at the national and international level in order to inform the scientific community of the country about the results and the achievements of researches as well as the introduction of major developments in the field of applied chemistry and its related subjects founded. In 2012, it received a scientific research rank from the Secretariat of the Scientific Publications Review Commission of the country, and now it is one of the approved and indexed journals in the Islamic World Science Citation Database.
- According to the regulations for determining the scientific validity of publications of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the publication titled Applied Chemistry affiliated to Semnan University was presented at the meeting of the scientific journal review committee dated 2012/12/12 and to grant scientific-research credit was agreed.
- Applied Chemistry Today is indexed in Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC) dated 2013/04/10.
- Applied Chemistry Today is a fully open-access journal, which means that all articles are available on the Web to all users immediately upon publication. All content of the Journal is published with open access under the License of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).
- The research and practical articles of this journal are published in Persian (three issues) and in English (one issue) in the form of a quarterly. All the articles published in this journal have been subjected to a "single-blind" refereeing process. Also, all the original Farsi texts of these articles have been analyzed by Simim Noor similarity detector in order to make these studies unique. In order to achieve international levels, the article digital identifier (DOI) with the exclusive prefix number 10.22075 is done.
- In order to facilitate the receipt of articles, refereeing and subsequent follow-up, respected authors should submit their articles through the system while registering in the journal's database. The members of the editorial board of Applied Chemistry Today Journal are determined that the process of correspondence and review of articles will be done in the shortest possible time and the results will be notified to the respected authors as soon as possible.