Peer Review Process

The peer review type in the "Applied Chemistry Today" is based upon a single-blind peer-reviewing system, it means that Authors' identities are known to reviewers, but authors are unaware of the identity of reviewers. The existence of a submitted manuscript will not be disclosed to anyone other than reviewers and editors. To be considered, all works should be submitted through our online editorial manuscript management and handling system. Therefore, submitting the author should have an account on the system. All submissions to journal are first reviewed by journal expert for completeness and then by editor-in-chief who decides whether they are suitable for peer review. The peer review usually involves review by at least two independent, expert peer reviewers. The editor-in-chief will consider the peer-reviewed reports when making a decision, but is not bound by the opinions or recommendations therein. A concern raised by a single peer reviewer or the editor-in-chief himself may result in the manuscript being rejected.


Peer review process:

  • Article submission by the corresponding author through the journal system
  • Content review based on the journal's guidelines by the journal's expert (if the topic or format of the article is not in accordance with the publication's guidelines, it will be returned to the author for resubmission)
  • Preliminary review of articles by the editor-in-chief
  • Similarity of the article (if the percentage of similarity is more than 30 percent, the article will be rejected)
  • Submission to reviewers
  • Reviewing the reviewed articles by the editor-in-chief (if the referee score does not reach the quorum, the article will be rejected)
  • Send reviewers' comments to the author for revision
  • Submit the revised article to the reviewers for final reviewing
  • Final approval by the editor in chief and acceptance of the article
  • Submit for editing
  • Send for layout
  • publishing article


The duration of this process depends on the acceptance of review by respected reviewers, submission of reviewer comments and responses to reviewer comments by authors.