Acrylic acid
Salt sensitivity, pH responsivity and kinetic study of chitosan-g-PAA hydrogel [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2010, Pages 31-42]
Synthesis, Characterization and electrochemical Studies of a series of polypyridile Ruthenium complexes [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 61-74]
Arsenic-Air pollution
Determination of Arsenic in Dust fall in the Air of Yazd Zahra Soltanianzadeh, Mohammad Hossein Salmani, Mohammad Hassan Ehrampoush [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 51-60]
Atomic absorption
Determination of Arsenic in Dust fall in the Air of Yazd Zahra Soltanianzadeh, Mohammad Hossein Salmani, Mohammad Hassan Ehrampoush [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 51-60]
Age of lithium batteries [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2010, Pages 13-30]
Salt sensitivity, pH responsivity and kinetic study of chitosan-g-PAA hydrogel [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2010, Pages 31-42]
A Review to Water Treatment Methods in Developed Countries [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 75-84]
Preparation of Conductive Nano composites based on Polyaniline / Poly (styrene -alt - maleic acid) blended with Polystyrene Sulfonic acid [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 13-22]
Preparation of Conductive Nano composites based on Polyaniline / Poly (styrene -alt - maleic acid) blended with Polystyrene Sulfonic acid [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 13-22]
Developed Countries
A Review to Water Treatment Methods in Developed Countries [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 75-84]
Formation constants
Ionic Strength dependence of Formation Constants: Complexation of Cobalt(II) With thiazolyl blue formazan in a Non-Ionic Micellar Medium [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 41-50]
Green chemistry
Age of lithium batteries [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2010, Pages 13-30]
Heat of Dilution
The calculation of heat of evaporation of Urmia lake water [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 23-32]
Heat of Mixing
The calculation of heat of evaporation of Urmia lake water [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 23-32]
Salt sensitivity, pH responsivity and kinetic study of chitosan-g-PAA hydrogel [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2010, Pages 31-42]
Intertreatment Devices
Thcnological Development Batteries in Medical Instrment [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2010, Pages 13-18]
Lithium battery
Age of lithium batteries [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2010, Pages 13-30]
Lithium battries
Thcnological Development Batteries in Medical Instrment [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2010, Pages 13-18]
Medical Batteries
Thcnological Development Batteries in Medical Instrment [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2010, Pages 13-18]
Non Ionic Micellar medium
Ionic Strength dependence of Formation Constants: Complexation of Cobalt(II) With thiazolyl blue formazan in a Non-Ionic Micellar Medium [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 41-50]
Preparation of Conductive Nano composites based on Polyaniline / Poly (styrene -alt - maleic acid) blended with Polystyrene Sulfonic acid [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 13-22]
Ruthenium Complexes
Synthesis, Characterization and electrochemical Studies of a series of polypyridile Ruthenium complexes [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 61-74]
Salt sensitivity, pH responsivity and kinetic study of chitosan-g-PAA hydrogel [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2010, Pages 31-42]
Urmia Lake
The calculation of heat of evaporation of Urmia lake water [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 23-32]
A Review to Water Treatment Methods in Developed Countries [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 75-84]
UV-Vis Spectrophotometric
Ionic Strength dependence of Formation Constants: Complexation of Cobalt(II) With thiazolyl blue formazan in a Non-Ionic Micellar Medium [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 41-50]
Water Treatment
A Review to Water Treatment Methods in Developed Countries [Volume 5, Issue 14, 2010, Pages 75-84]
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