Identification of potential antioxidant compounds in the Juglans regia L. (walnut) leaves using HPLC -MS and linear multivariate calibration methods

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

2 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran


The leaves of Juglans regia L. (walnut) is known for its diverse effects in drug therapy and traditional medicine.This plant has good antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. In this study, extract of leaves of walnut from different regions of Iran was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Samples were tested for their free radical scavenging activity using 2,2 -diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay and by numerous linear multivariate calibration techniques to identify the peaks potentially responsible for the antioxidant activity from chromatographic fingerprints. From the studied techniques, independent component regression (ICR) was preferred to exhibit the potential antioxidant active compounds in samples because of its high repeatability, simplicity, and interpretability of the regression coefficients.


Main Subjects

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