Wastewater Treatment Hybrid Process Using Coagulation-Membrane Filtration for Industrial Purposes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Wastewater Treatment Hybrid Process Using Coagulation-Membrane Filtration for Industrial Purposes

2 Faculty of Engineering, Behbahan Khatam Alanbia University of Technology, Behbahan, Iran


Urban wastewater is characterized by microbial contamination and a substantial quantity of suspended solids. Many existing municipal treatment facilities are unable to adequately process these wastewaters, resulting in only partial removal of pollutants. Implementing an effective method for the comprehensive treatment of wastewater from urban facilities for industrial applications is a viable solution to conserve water resources. This study employed a combination of coagulation and membrane filtration processes to treat the wastewater from Sahand town, with coagulation serving as a preliminary treatment and membrane filtration as the final treatment stage. Polyaluminum chloride and polyacrylamide were utilized as coagulants during the coagulation phase, while a microporous membrane was employed in the filtration phase. The findings indicated that the turbidity of the town's wastewater decreased from 129 NTU to 0.7 NTU following the hybrid treatment process, and the microbial load was entirely eliminated. Although there was a reduction in membrane flux, direct washing restored the performance, increasing the flux back to the initial value of 1500 L.m-2.h-1. The significant reduction in turbidity and microbial load to acceptable levels, coupled with the stability of membrane performance, suggests that the combined treatment approach is an effective method for treating urban wastewater for industrial use and for mitigating water wastage.


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