Simultaneous analysis of Al(III), Cu(II) and Fe(II) ions in aqueous solutions : using partial least squre(PLS) method based UV-Vis spectrophotometry

Document Type : Original Article


1 analytical chemistry studenn-science faculity-semnan university-semnan -iran

2 Department of Chemistry, Semnan University, Semnan 35195-363, Iran

3 associated professor-science faculity-semnan university-semnan iran


Abstract: Al(III), Cu(II) and Fe(II) ions have important role in human health , environment , agriculture and industry. The aim of this work is sensing and simultaneous determination of of these ions in aqueous solution. It was distinguished that Eriochrome cyanine R (ECR) can form coloured complexes by all of these ions. PLS regression method was applied to overcome the overlapping of peak spectrum in UV-Vis region. In optimization operation, wavelength range of 450-650 nm, pH = 6, time reaction=30 min and ligand concentration = 150(mg/L) were selected for subsequent single ion calibration and multicomponent analysis. Dynamic range for Al(III), Cu(II) and Fe(II) ions are 0.06 - 0.60 and 1.0-3.0 and 0.20 – 1.0( mg/L) in multicomponent regression analysis respectively. Optimum factor number for determination of these ions was found 4, 6, 8 and R2 (pred) was 0.76,0.93 and 0.73 respectively. For evaluation of PLS model, 21 synthetic solution was made from Al(III), Cu(II) and Fe(II) ions and tested by proposed model. It was proved that method was very appropriate for precision and accurate analysis of these ions simultaneously


Main Subjects

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